Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Prayer for Today: Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Prayer for Today: Tuesday, September 02, 2014

My Father GOD who art in Heaven and in Earth Residing In, Through, and Around Everyone and Everything Living, Moving and Breathing Hallowed be Thy Name as the Most High God. Father please forgives us of our trespasses as we forgive those who transgress against us. Thanks for always, always, always showing us your tender mercy for our transgressions and please continue to assist us to remember that we should forgive those who transgress against us. Thanks for Your grace and patience and for giving us the ability to have grace and patience for others. Father God, thank You for Assisting Everyone in their Individual Personal and Professional Successes for the rest of this New Week in September 2014. You are Wonderful and I know that it is by Your Grace and Tender Mercy that We All Will Be able to Finish this Week Successfully. Yes! I Love You Soooo Much!!!!  Father You ARE the Power that Moves our Earthly Bodies and our Minds. Thanks for removing All of Us from negative situations and temptations that place Your Children in any form of bondage. Father I believe that it is Your Mercy that Rules Our World, So Thanks Lord GOD for Your Love, Support and Blessings Today and during the rest of this week for Us All Everywhere in Your World. As always I would like to Thank You for providing us with food and shelter and for always providing our needs. Father Today’s Special Prayer is for drug addicts and the homeless.  Please remind them that they should have a desire to give up that negative spirit that is keeping them in bondage and pray for a healing as they remove themselves from that situation. Thanks for providing support systems for them and show them that it is a negative environment because it is detrimental physically and mentally. Please remind them that it is okay to leave and live in a positive environment instead.  Father I Love You. Thanks for All things that are good for me, my family, friends, personal and professional associates and everyone that is alive today worldwide!  My Father GOD who art in Heaven and in Earth Residing In, Through, and Around Everyone and Everything Living, Moving and Breathing - I Sincerely Thank You for Blessing Every Living Thing including Your People with the Ability to Live through Another Week in the Year 2014. I Most of All Thank You for Jesus Christ, Lord, Savior and Big Brother to the Whole World and for the Holy Spirit who exists as our Teacher and Comforter while we await Jesus Christ Second Coming!  Father I Will Love-Praise-Bless You and Your Holy Godhead/Trinity Forever for Thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory Forever and Ever. Amen. Amen, Amen, and Amen…

My Latest Book - 
Embrace Your Spirituality… Live Free... Book on Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/Embrace-Your-Spirituality-Negative-Addictions-ebook/dp/B006G25Z4W

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